How does Control work?'s smart heat pump optimization is based on weather forecast and individual user patterns in the building. It uses machine learning algorithms to predict the energy consumption of the building and anticipate ideal control of heating and cooling setpoints. In addition, it can shift energy based on changes in electricity prices. Through intelligent optimization, it is possible to reduce the amount of electricity consumed and the cost of electricity without compromising indoor air quality. The implemented control can be monitored through the Cloud service.

What does's control algorithm take into account?

The control algorithm developed by takes into account weather forecast based on the location of the property and electricity pricing if a price-based electricity contract has been selected for the property. The algorithm also takes into account the target setpoint of the device, which is set by the occupant.

What is the learning period? optimizes building energy use with machine learning by analyzing how your building consumes energy. Initially, it learns from 6 hours of data on newly added devices to efficiently manage energy. Periodically, it updates its learning based on new weather information to continuously optimize energy consumption.

How much does service cost?

See our plans at

How can I enable price based (variable-rate tariff) optimization for my device?

You can enable dynamic electricity price based control via Buildings overview. ⚡

Which countries does support? supports Germany, UK, Ireland, Spain, USA, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Belgium and the Netherlands. If your country is not supported, send us an email to [email protected] and we see what we can do.

Does Cloud have a phone app?

No, Cloud can be accessed via web app only.

Can I make adjustments in the my heat pump’s application or remote controller during control?

Yes you can! You can use your device normally during control and make adjustments as you wish. Feel free to make changes directly on your heat pump, via your remote controller or your phone app.

Are the 10% and 25% cost savings estimates based on air-to-air heat pumps or air-to-water heat pumps?

Our reference points for cost savings estimates are primarily for hydronic systems, including air-to-water heat pumps. We started with ground source heat pumps and air-to-water heat pumps, expanding our portfolio to include air-to-air heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, and exhaust air heat pumps.

Which heat pump parameter do you actually control?

The parameters we control depend on the heat pump model. Typically, for air-to-water heat pumps, we manage inlet temperature setpoints on the heating curve and upper and lower tank temperature setpoints for hot domestic water production.